Monday, March 28, 2011

Sarolta Bán

My next project will be inspired by Sarolta Bán.  She is a surreal photographer/photo manipulator from Budapest.  She takes ordinary objects and puts them in unordinary ways to give them personality - the images seem to tell a story and the artist is happy with viewers making up their own meaning of this story.  Many of her images depict objects that are larger than real life.  For example the image to the right depicts crows that are larger than the man.  The crows almost seem to be mocking the poor old man, but the man seems to ignore them and continue walking.  (To see more on Sarolta Bán go to

Surreal Journey

I feel Project 3 was a success for me.  I really enjoyed making the panoramic image and then making it surreal.  In-fact I am totally in love with surreal right now and I plan for my next project to be surreal also.  Here are some details of my final Project 3 (A Surreal Journey - "Bad Mood A' Rising").  In the HTML version you can move around the image in a circle and click the window to move to the next person's project.  The original background images were from Crowders Mt. while the added elements were from pictures I took at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden last year.  My concept was of a good dream or mood about to take a bad turn into a nightmare symbolized by the dark smoke/clouds rising from the window.  This also plays on the idea that you would normally see positive beauty outside the window, but instead stare into a pair of evil eyes.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crowders Mountain

My next project started at Crowders Mountain Park on a beautiful day.  This picture was taken after a strenuous hike to the top of Kings Pinnacle.  The shape of the rocks at the edge reminds me of a window...a window onto the world...

Stay tuned for my surreal panoramic project...