Saturday, January 22, 2011

Non-Local Color Photo

Balvenie 125
This photo by Ernie Button really caught my eye.  The image was created from a small amount of single-malt scotch left in a glass after most of it had been consumed. The color was created by different color lights and gels.

When I first looked at this image and the others in Ernie's gallery Vanishing Spirits: The Dried Remains of Single-Malt Scotch I thought I was looking at images from outer-space.  I love how he took a minuscule ordinary thing and turned it into something so fantasy-like by use of darkness and neon colors.

I find it interesting how he left part of the roundness of the bottom of the glass in the composition.  The glass ring could instead be a planet's rings.  The use of light and color on the scotch itself emphasizes its texture giving it an appearance of landscape.  The contrast between the center of the scotch and the rest of the image really draws your eye in.  The contrast and composition also make the image look like an eye.

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